Monday, January 16, 2012

Character Development

T.S.’s love for Layton

“Triumph, It was the first courageous thing I had ever done in my life… I suddenly wished Layton was there to share the feeling with me. He would have loved this adventure.” (103)

T.S. feels guilty that he is responsible for Layton's death forcing him to ask himself, What would Layton do? He seems to believe that Layton is a better person than he is.

Dr. Clair’s passion for her work

“Dr. Clair was a misguided coleopterist, who for twenty years had been chasing a phantom species of beetle – the tiger monk, Cicindela nosferatie – that even she was not sure truly existed.” (11)

Dr. Clair has an extreme attention to detail that T.S. has as well. She is driven by her work and rarely leaves her study except to cook for the family.

His Dad’s passion for the ranch

“These two belonged out here, circling each other along the endless incline of the divide.” (62)

T.S.'s father lives for the ranch and does not seem to fit in with the family. Before Layton's death he was the only one he could connect with. After Layton's death, his father kept to himself more, he began to spend even more time out on the ranch or indoors than spending time with his family.